Earn Medals and collect Coins across a dozen different Slingshot Challenges!
Trade your coins for new Slingshots! Mouse & Touchscreen friendly controls.

"Slingshot Director" was a 72 hour gameJam developed in 2020.
Before 2022 it received an upgraded overhaul and became "slingshotAlley".
However, this webGL build was not uploaded until 2024.

All graphics, animation, scripting, and design by Austin Ashley.

October 26th, 2020:
It's an alley marksman's time trial.

Exercise your accuracy and complete all the objectives in the shortest amount of time possible. Drag and Drop your ammunition in order to direct your projectiles.

This has been another 72 hour Game Jam with Score Space!
Theme: "Direction", accompanied by timed high-scores.

Development log


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i think its a fun game but not enough to it. i think it needs something a liitle more to spice it up.

me do first comment.